Valenzuela JM.

Prevalence of and Disparities in Barriers to Care Experienced by Youth with Type 1 Diabetes/ Jessica M. Valenzuela; Michael Seid; Beth Waitzfelder; Andrea M. Anderson; Daniel P. Beavers; Dana M. Dabelea; Lawrence M. Dolan; Giuseppina Imperatore;Santica Marcovina; Kristi Reynolds; Joyce Yi-Frazier; Elizabeth J. Mayer-Davis - Document electrònic

Objective To describe the prevalence of access and process barriers to health care and to examine their relationship youth with type 1 diabetes. SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study to care was collected from parent report the presence of specific barriers to care. most common were costs (47.5%), access to care, not having a regular personal and family context) were associated indicated that barriers related to income and those without public health care, communication) were more likely diabetes experience substantial barriers care differed by sociodemographic processes that lead to disparate Pediatr 2014;164:1369-75).

Diabetis mellitus tipus I